My first interview with Ana
Kini 2011.05.23. 22:09

I used to think a lot about how good it would be, if sometimes we could see into our favorites mind, personal feelings. How is their day in a given situation, how they feel after winning, or loosing a game. Ana will help me with this, tell me her thuoghts, personal experience, which the supporters can't detect from the stands or in my cause because of the distance from the TV screen.
Here is my first interview with Ana, one of my favorite!
Kapitany Janos from Gyr:
How looks your day when you have 1 or 2 trainings?
Ana: My day looks like that. When I have training in the morning at 9.30, I normally get up at 8.30, eat breakfast and go to training. After the first training I come home and make myself lunch and after the lunch I normally rest and sleep a little and at 15.00 I go to the second training. After training, 2 times a week I have hungarian lesson and after that I go home, surf on the internet, watch some movie, maybe read some book and I go to sleep around 23.30 to 00.00.
How do you prepare psichically and fisically for a game?
Ana: Psichically I think about the game, watch videos and see what is the speciality of the opponent. Phisicaly I just train normally with the team and how the coach is making the trainings.
Are you a visual component? More specifically you remember every movement of the adversary goalkeeper?
Ana: I think before the match where is good to shoot and I watch the golkeaper what are his weaker sides and I try to prepare myself for the good shooting. But afcourse in the match everything is different and harder and sometimes is hard to shoot where you should.
Who is your best friend in the team?
Ana: I dont have best friends,I get along with everybody good, but I hang out a lot with Duda and Katrine,also because we can speak english:)))
How often can you go home to your beloveds?
Ana: When we have free weekend I always go and for the holidays. I can say that I see them ALMOST every month, if not,maximum on 2 months.
You know someone from the building where you live?
Ana: Yes,afcourse. In the same building live Simi and Mika,and their husbands and I also know some neighbors.
Anda Iuga from Bucharest: What do you think about the arrival of Andrea Lekic? You were in the same team. What do you think how will she feel in Gyr?
Ana: I'm am happy that Andrea is coming. I think she will be filing great here. Also for me is good that i get one player that is speaking my language. :)))
yvrosi Katalina from Marosvsrhely: Did you made closer friendships in the past year in Gyr?
Ana: Like I sad I made friendships with all the players,especially Duda and Katrine, also Misi, Orbisz and other youger. I also met some other people throgh Duda and others and that is always welcome.
From me :)) Your most memorable experience in Gyr? Good and bad.
ANA: hard to say for bad experience..but for good I can say that it was that I come here and I feel really good here. So that was defenetly good experience.
Can you tell us how was the reunion yesterday?
Ana: The reunion was nice. The players who are leaving said some wards, the fans also prepared some presents for them and also flowers for all of us. Also the president, the coach and Anita said some words. And after we just make some photos with the fans and give them autographs.
Where will you spend your summer?
Ana: Most of the summer I will spend at home with my family and boyfriend. Maybe I will go to Greece for one week and just relax and enjoy the summer:)! Of course I will not forget to make trainings as well:))))!