szrevteleteket krlek jelezztek, ezen az e-mail cimen elrtek, ha pedig van kzs kpetek Ana-val s szeretntek itt megjelentetni akkor szintn rjatok.
Interviews with Ana
Kvetkez 10 cikk
Elz 10 cikk
My first interview with Ana
2011.05.23. 22:09
I used to think a lot about how good it would be, if sometimes we could see into our favorites mind, personal feelings. How is their day in a given situation, how they feel after winning, or loosing a game. Ana will help me with this, tell me her thuoghts, personal experience, which the supporters can't detect from the stands or in my cause because of the distance from the TV screen.
Here is my first interview with Ana, one of my favorite!